Dear Parents,
We are looking forward to seeing your children for another fantastic summer at Camp Gan Israel of Rockland!
Please read this handbook carefully and make sure you are familiar with all the procedures at Camp Gan Israel of Rockland. The info contained in this handbook will ensure a smooth, safe and enjoyable summer.
Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or for assistance. I can be reached at [email protected] or at 845-634-0951 x 102.
Rabbi Avremel Kotlarsky
First Session: Thursday, June 26 – Wednesday, July 23.
Second Session: Thursday , July 24 - Tuesday, August 19.
No Camp on Friday, July 4th
Early Care starts at 8:30 AM / After Care is until 4:30 PM
Preschool Orientation: Wednesday, June 25 from 2-4 PM. Bring your child to meet their counselors and drop off supplies. Preschool Orientation is for children ages 18 months thru PreK.
Morning Drop-Off
Please click to view a visual diagram of the carpool procedures
Drop-off will be between 9:00 AM and 9:15 AM while pick-up will be between 3:30 and 3:45 PM. On Fridays, pick-up will be between 2:30 and 2:45 PM.
Parents should not exit their cars while in the carpool line other than to help their children get in and out of the car. If a parent needs assistance, they can park in the designated parking area and flag a staff member or call the office at 845-634-0951 for assistance.
Parents should not release any camper into camp without being escorted by a staff member.
If you are late to drop-off, please park your car in a valid parking space and walk your child to the lobby. The security officer will guide you from there.
If you need to pick-up your camper before the end of the day, you will need to call the camp office at least one hour prior to pick-up and notify the administrative assistant or another head staff member. TEXTING RABBI KOTLARSKY IS NOT AN ACCEPTABLE FORM OF NOTIFICATION.
Afternoon Pick-Up
Afternoon pick-up is from 3:30 – 3:45 PM daily and 2:30-2:45 on Fridays.
Please understand that a parent / guardian arriving late puts a great amount of stress on the staff. A camper whose parent is late in picking up will be brought to aftercare and charged $15 per camper.
Please note: Children will only be released to a parent or someone on the authorized pick-up list. If you are having someone else pick-up your child, you must call the office ahead of time to notify them. We may call you if we are not sure if the person is an authorized pick-up.
There are several lanes (indicated with cones) available for cars to pull up in. Please pull as far forward as you can.
Your child will be called on the radio and escorted to your car.
If your child cannot secure their own seat belt, parents should exit the car and collect their child upon being given permission to do so. Staff will not place children in cars or car seats.
Any visitors arriving at camp during the day will be required to wait at the security desk and wait to be attended to. Generally, visits should be planned to minimize disruptions to our program.
At the heart of Camp Gan Israel is our variety of amazing activities led by a talented group of counselors and specialists. This is where the fun, engagement, friendships, learning, and camp memories begin. This is the most important part of the camp experience and our team has been working hard to make the experience better than ever. We know that campers are ready to enjoy the outdoors, connect with friends and have some fun!
Field Trips
Exciting field trips have been planned this summer. A full schedule of trips will be emailed and posted on our site.
Special Events Days
Special events and entertainers will be brought to the camp to enhance our daily programming.
We are fortunate to have our own heated pool that enables us to provide a wonderful swim experience for our campers. In addition to free swim, our Water Safety Instructor and lifeguards evaluate campers' swim levels and provide swim instruction to help campers improve their swim skills.
PreK, Kindergarten, Junior & Senior Division campers swim daily. (Except for some trip days and during the 9 days.)
Toddler & Nursery (2-3 yr old) campers do not swim in the pool. They enjoy splash pads and water play outside in our water play area.
Activities for Summer 2025
Daily camp activities include sports, arts & crafts, rhythm & music, yoga, physical education, special shows and more!
What campers should bring daily:
- A bathing suit & towel (goggles optional)
- Hat or cap is recommended
Water shoes
- All campers MUST wear foot apparel that have the front toe closed. Open-toed shoes or sandals are an invitation for injury and will not be allowed in camp. Water shoes worn to / from the pool are the exception to this rule.
- Water bottle
- Sunscreen.
These items will not be stored at camp and will go home at the end of the day with the camper.
No other personal items, including electronics, will be permitted. Campers that bring electronics, including cell phones, to camp will have to store them in the office till the end of the day. Camp Gan Israel takes no responsibility for personal items brought to camp.
Mini Gan:
Mini Gan campers should keep the following items in camp:
- Swim Suit & Towel
- Water Shoes
- 3 Packages of Diapers & Wipes (for those still not fully toilet trained.)
- Change of clothing (Toddlers may send 2 changes)
- Sunscreen (Spray is preferred for body and roll-on or stick for the face.)
- Container with child's name on it for storage
- Sippy cup or water bottle
- Blanket / Sheet (for nap/rest time)
Swimsuit and towel will be sent home at the end of each week.
A delicious and nutritious lunch is catered daily by Fresh & Tasty for those campers receiving camp lunch. Fridays we have Pizza Lunch!
Camp Gan Israel does not provide morning snacks. Campers are welcome to bring snacks from home provided they are kosher certified.
Each bunk will receive water coolers that remain in the bunk. The 2-gallon coolers will also be taken to their group’s activities.
We have several water fountains located in camp and campers are encouraged to drink multiple times daily to keep well hydrated.
We encourage the celebrating of birthday in camps. Please contact the head counselor at least five days in advance in order to coordinate special treats and a celebration.
We are a nut-aware campus. We do not serve any products containing nuts or that are made in factories where cross-contamination is possible. We ask that families bringing their own lunch or snack respect this and only allow campers to bring nut-free lunches.
At Camp Gan Israel, we have several modes of communication; Phone, Email, SMS & WhatsApp Broadcast.
Please make sure you are receiving emails from the office by adding [email protected] to your approved contact list.
WhatsApp groups: There are multiple WhatsApp groups in our CGI WhatsApp community. Click here to join our WhatsApp Community and you can choose which groups apply to you. Some groups may be added closer to or during the summer.
In case of an emergency, we will attempt to first call the primary contact on the account. We will only attempt to contact the secondary contact or emergency contact if we cannot connect with the primary contact.
Parents must complete all forms listed as "incomplete" in their account prior to a camper attending Camp Gan Israel.
Those forms consist of:
- Camp Info & Health History Form
- Immunization Records
- Disclosure & Authorization
- Parent Info Form
A list of all incomplete forms can be found upon signing into your account here
See a picture of where to locate your incomplete forms in this image:
Staying safe at camp begins with staying safe at home.
The following practices are a condensed list of standards that we’ve chosen to highlight for the purpose of this document. Extensive protocols and standards of care exist for our staff and medical team that addresses these and other medical standards in greater detail.
If a child develops a fever, shortness of breath, a new cough, GI symptoms, lethargy, chills, rash, loss of taste or smell, or other potential coronavirus or additional Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) symptoms which also include neck pain, or abdominal during the day, the camper will be immediately removed from the group and isolated. If a parent will not immediately be available to pick up the camper, another family member or caregiver must be available. Campers may not return to camp until 3 days after symptoms resolve without medical intervention. If campers are being sent home with symptoms not typically associated with the coronavirus or MIS-C, they must remain at home until 24 hours after symptoms have resolved.
For any camper who develops symptoms of MIS-C the state recommends immediate medical consultation and must be reported to the Department of Health.
Camp Gan Israel employs a full-time armed security guard. Our security guard - Joe - has been working with us a umber of years and knows our facility and layout well.
Joe is stationed at a desk opposite the front door. On his desk, there is a computer screen that monitors cameras throughout the inside and outside of our facility.
Our front entrance is the only entrance used for accessing the building and remains locked at all times. Only the security guard can buzz them in.
Our security officer will be identified wearing a shirt that says "security" in white.
To help cover the increased cost of security, each camp family will be assessed a $100 per account security fee. This fee will be added to your UltraCamp account and is the same regardless of how many children are attending or how many weeks your children are attending.
Your camp statement can be found in your online account portal.
Please check that the amounts owed and payment plan reflects the amount you've agreed to pay and if there is any discrepancy, please call the office asap.
If, for any reason, you cannot keep that arrangement, please call our office immediately.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Camp Gan Israel of Rockland is licensed by the New York State Department of Health and operates in accordance with its rules and regulations. We are inspected regularly, and inspection reports are on file at the camp office.