Mazal Tov to Amy Morlevi and Arik Morlevi on the Bar Mitzvah of their son Elan Moshe.
May they have much nachas from him and all their children and may we celebrate many more simchos together!
Mazal Tov to Amy Morlevi and Arik Morlevi on the Bar Mitzvah of their son Elan Moshe.
May they have much nachas from him and all their children and may we celebrate many more simchos together!
Mazal Tov to Dan and Sophia Steinberg upon the engagement of their son, Alex Steinberg to Shoshana Streiter.
Mazal Tov to Chaya Mushka Morgenstern on celebrating her birthday this past week!
May she be blessed with continued good health and success and may her parents and the community receive much chassidishe nachas from her!
Mazal Tov to Barbara & Ron Baitcher on the occasion of the engagement of their daughter Shari Baitcher to Josh Emanuel.
May we collectively be blessed with joy in our families and share happy occasions!
Rabbi Mordechai Dov Altein, the first Chabad Emissary in modern times and the oldest Chabad Rabbi, passed away on Sunday, 3 Kislev, 5780.
Rabbi Altein is the founder of Chabad of Rockland.
He was 100 years old.
Mazal Tov to Jeff & Elissa Koenig and Family upon celebrating the Bar Mitzvah of their son Kenny this past Shabbat!
May they continue to have much Yiddishe nachas from him and all their children!