
Condolences - Kotlarsky Family

Thursday, 11 June, 2020 - 10:51 pm

With great sadness we inform you of the passing of Mrs. Shaindel Kotlarsky - Shaindel bas Moshe, ob"m.
Beloved mother of Rabbi Avremel Kotlarsky, Jack Kotlar, Debbi Fitusi and Myra Levinson.

Beloved mother-in-law, grandmother and great-grandmother.

May the Omnipresent console you together with all the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem

Comments on: Condolences - Kotlarsky Family

David and Carol Berkman wrote...

Just learning of the passing of your mother. Baruch dayan ha’emet. Carol and I wishing you, your siblings and family nechema. May the memory of Shaindel Kotlarsky inspire you to continued acts of chesed.
David and Carol